Sunday, January 16, 2005

Well, to liven up a somewhat dull day, I went to read my Philo professor's blog and found these two interesting quizzes that he recommended from The Philosophy Magazine's website.

The first quiz that I took was this one: The Philosophical Health Check; basically what this quiz does is that it checks if any of your beliefs are "in tension" (ie: in conflict) with one another. My tension quotient was 33%, quite low.

And then there was this one which made me feel really proud of myself: Battlefield God. This one is similar to the one above; it tests your beliefs, but this time, it specifically tests the beliefs which you have concerning God (if you believe that he/she/it exists, that is).

Apparently, my "beliefs about God are internally consistent and very well thought out", because my answers didn't conflict at all, so I got this nifty graphic thing (see below) from the site for that; for being one of the 7.51% who have also managed to achieve this non-conflicting-beliefs-about God status. :D

You have been awarded the TPM medal of honour! This is our highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

The fact that you progressed through this activity neither being hit nor biting a bullet suggests that your beliefs about God are internally consistent and very well thought out.

A direct hit would have occurred had you answered in a way that implied a logical contradiction. You would have bitten bullets had you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. However, you avoided both these fates - and in doing so qualify for our highest award. A fine achievement!
 Posted by Hello

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