Saturday, January 15, 2005

Training this morning... VERY hot. The sun was damn glaring; I think I've gotten darker already and Ivan agrees.

Was shooting with an 80 cm target; my goal was supposed to be a score of at least 250, but I got 235. :( Oh well. It's a personal best improvement, though. :D The last time I was shooting an 80 cm target, my total score was 227 for 6 ends of 6. :D

Then.. went for lunch with my lovely NUS Archery people, and since generally, we tend to get slacky after lunch, I went back to the Arts Club Room (coz there was air-conditioning there) and found Steven, Xuzi, Tim, Xinyan and Ivan there. Steven, Xuzi and Tim were quite occupied with the Club Room's newest fixed asset: A PlayStation 2. Playing some football game. Not surprised.

Slacked around for a while and found out that kor was going to go shopping for chocolates later, and he wanted to buy Godiva chocolates, so me being me, I definitely wanted to tag along.

Firstly, it's chocolate. Secondly, it's Godiva chocolate; every time I happen to be in CityLink Mall, around the Godiva chocolate shop, my pace just slows as I approach and I stare reverently at all the chocolate, but I never step inside. I treat it like a shrine, in other words. :P So, since he was going there for a purpose, I decided to tag along just so I could have an excuse to go in and ogle the chocolate. :P

The shop is designed in such a way that, when you step into the shop, the facing wall is a shelf upon which all the chocolate is displayed; the minute I stepped in there, I went to one end and just stared at all the chocolate, and from there, slowly started moving towards the other end, ogling the chocolate and all its lovely shiny wrappings as I went.

But Ivan was standing right in the middle, so when I reached the middle, I stopped there for a while, and then he whispered to me: "I think my wallet just curled up and died in fright."

And then I looked down and saw the nearest price tag: "$239".

And I giggled.

Then I looked around the shop and found that HALF of the things on sale had three-digit price tags.

And I giggled some more.

In fact, I giggled for the rest of the time that we were in the shop, because just thinking about kor's first comment was just cracking me up every time I thought of it!! Hahaha....

The woman at the counter probably thought I was slightly nuts, haha.

Was talking to jie on the phone just now; she um.. kinda enlightened me as to what exactly it is that people seem to "see" when they look at Ivan and me. I can't say that I understand, but that's okay. I'm easily confused at this time of night after all, so if I don't understand something, you should probably ignore me and tell me again another day. :P

Should go to sleep now. Have church tomorrow morning. Will hope and pray really really hard that Wai Lun and his friends can book out this coming Friday so that I can sell SIX tickets for Arts Bash! Oh, and must help kor pray that his reservist gets cancelled too. Coz he wants to go for Arts Camp. Haha. And er... hope and pray that I'll train harder and I can win something at NTU institutional shoot on the 29th of January! :D

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