Saturday, January 08, 2005

NUS Archery internal competition and ranking today. Surprisingly, I'm ranked second among the girls.

And the best 8 guys and best 8 girls are supposed to be picked out to form the IVP team, so YAY!!! NUS IVP jacket!! Yippee!! :D *calms down* :P

But it's actually kinda unfair for the guys, haha. Coz among the juniors, there're only 9 girls, but there're... 11 or 12 guys, I think. :P

But, anyway.. was really quite fun today. (Hey, that rhymed! :D) And I now have my EL1101E and SC2218 texts, which I borrowed from the library. Started reading that first chapter of the EL1101E text for Monday's lecture and damn near fell asleep. Not a good sign. Or maybe it was because the whole first two pages were about making allusions and analogies about how great language is and all that crap; never actually said anything about why it's so wonderful and blah, blah, blah. Hope the remaining.. er. 28 pages of the chapter aren't all the same stuff.

Wonder if I should buy the text instead of just photocopying the thing; does look like I'll be minoring in English Studies, after all.

Shoulder is still sore; something tells me that I've made it worse by still carrying on with shooting despite that. Funny thing is, after a while, I don't really feel the pain anymore...

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