Thursday, May 22, 2003

I'm back again.

I have about twenty minutes to kill before the extra class starts, so yeah. Here I am.

Nothing embarassing happened today. Haha.
Then again, maybe it hasn't happened YET. Damn.

I'm thinking about mid-year exams now...and I think that my Econs is probably my saddest subject of all.

I do have quite a lot of hope for Lit, and some for Geog, since now Mr Saw says that I have the aptitude for it (hence the reason why I have extra classes and am dragging very heavy files to school!!), but

Come to think of it, I think the only reason why I even managed to PASS Econs last year was coz I stayed back in school to study with John and Wei Jian....

Did I mention that John's an Econs genius?
And Soon Aik's classmate Jordan too.....99th percentile for Econs promo last year. Man, he's smart.

Oh yes, John told me that he got second placing in that chess competition yesterday.

I suddenly feel like I have the smallest brains in the world.

I can just feel my self-esteem drowning.

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