Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Am back in school for a Literature lecture and a Geography lecture.

And I was in school yesterday for a Literature lecture too. After which I stayed back in the library to do self-study...

Man, holidays never feel like holidays in Singapore.

Ah!!! I've just realised that I forgot to get Airine a present!!

Damn it....damn it...damn it *bashes head on keyboard*

I'm on right now; in the X-Men section. Haha.

Oh, I forgot; look what I managed to get yesterday:


Which X2 Mutant are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Nice? :D

Man, the X-Men section needs more Pyro fics.....

Preferably ones that aren't romance..... :P

Ah, well. Too bored to type anything of interest now, I think. So, bye. :D

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