Sunday, June 08, 2003

I'm bored.

There's the Chinese exam tomorrow, but I've never bothered to study for Chinese anyway....

Watched Matrix Reloaded today. Once again, I'm absolutely delighted that I'm able to understand it. :D

I understand the whole concept of the Agent Smith guy being able to replicate himself. It's something like this; he said that Neo had robbed him of his purpose, right?

And since the Matrix is a machine, everything in it would just be programs; software inside the hardware.

Without a purpose, "Agent Smith" becomes an incomplete program; a rogue program, a computer worm.

So said rogue program goes around corrupting functioning programs.

Put that into visual terms and you get an Agent Smith that simply appears to duplicate himself.

Ending was kinda confusing tho.

I do see the whole twist about how Neo isn't really what they believed him to be; he isn't supposed to bring about the end; he's only a means to an end. But about him bringing down those machines (I think they're called Sentinels? The squid-like ones with lotsa tentacles) near the end....

Does it mean that each new "One" that was created with each new Matrix was meant to be a kinda link between humans and machines? Physically human and capable of human emotion and at the same time, able to understand and connect with machines?


When viewed in that light, Neo becomes more like a cyborg.

Human (flesh and blood) + Machine (metal, plastic, all form of non-biological material) = ??? (Something with emotion but which doesn't completely understand it?)

I love the Matrix movies. Such enjoyable food for thought.

God bless the great men who created it; I know they're two brothers, but their names aren't coming to mind right now. Haha.

Have to go look for Sylvia Fong's present some time soon. Must get something for Airine and John too.

Too many people's birthdays in June!:P

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