Friday, April 09, 2004

Didn't go to church today, which is a good thing. Hate going to church. Yes, I'm a shit-lousy Christian; furthermore, I believe in witchcraft and occult practices; don't practice, but believe in them pretty much. If there is a hell, I'll be condemned there when I die, but hey, while I've got this life, I'll have all the fun I want, thanks. Why does everyone think that heaven's gonna be all that great, anyway?

This is the life.

Lazing around at home, on the net, reading fics and surfing around aimlessly; I'm telling you, I'm reading too much slash. I'll go to hell for indulging my urge to read homosexual literature. Hah. Well, I don't care. I don't want to be "saved" anyway. Why the hell do Christians wanna be "saved" and live forever in some place that they don't even know of, anyway?

Who wants to live forever? Even if you say that heaven is a really wonderful place where you don't have to worry about anything, who wants to live in such a place forever, till the end of time itself or whatever?

Would you wanna live forever, living a life where nothing ever happens? At least struggling through everyday life right now gives it a sense of purpose, right? And if you never have to worry about anything in heaven and you'll be happy forever, what's the point, man??

It's a completely damn pointless existence!! Why the hell would you want that for yourself?? Do Christians even know or understand what it is they seem to want so badly?

And all this comes back to my theory that human beings are naturally masochistic; look at us: we indulge in stuff that's bad for us coz it feels good, eat junk food that clogs up our arteries, and we want things that sound good, but we don't even think about what they mean!

I bet if I asked any Christian right now "What are you gonna do in your eternal life after Death, then?" most of them wouldn't have an answer.

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