Friday, April 23, 2004

See, this is why I don't usually take afternoon naps. Coz when I take afternoon naps, I end up being really awake well into the wee hours of the morning. Like so.

Figured that since I'm awake, might as well do something with my time...

Was thinking of making an OC wallpaper earlier today, and was thinking that the caption (or is the word tagline??) on it could be "California Dreamin'". Nifty, no? Eh, well.

But, see, as it turns out, there are kinda few OC sites with enough pictures and screencaps, and god, I need transcripts. I can't watch a show without transcripts! I don't mean that I can't catch the dialogue or anything; it's just that I like to go over the dialogue and see if I can find some way to coax a nice ficcie out of some random line... Yeah, that's just me for you.

Isn't it strange that I'm so much bloody saner at this damn ungodly hour???

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