Saturday, April 03, 2004

Just got back from IJ concert at about 11 pm, and it was really damn good!!! :D

My sister looked so cute coz her uniform was slightly too big for her, but she looked good anyway, haha.... and she looked really good performing too, of course. Am so proud of her!!! :D They sounded really good; I wonder if it was the microphones. Wonder if we sounded that good at last year's SYF. Speaking of SYF, if they sounded that good at SYF, how could they have NOT got Gold?!?!

Anyway, Gerri is rambling again.

I loved their Copacabana! It was so cool; Andy Sim came out shaking a maracas instead of waving his baton, and Pamela cracked a joke that you could tell that Andy Sim wasn't a percussionist, haha... And it was so cool with the dancing and everything, and the end was just absolutely cool, coz the trumpets and trombones right at the back turn in opposite directions on the very last note and at the same time everyone else turns sharply to face front, so the picture is really DAMN COOL. Good lord, I seriously need to add to my vocabulary!! :P

Wish I had brought a camera, damn it.

"When You Believe" was absolutely beautiful; the two girls who sang the solos were better than the whole CJ choir at our Con Fuoco concert two years ago, man!! They sounded wonderful together, and the band was really good too; sounded absolutely heavenly-- we have a multi-talented band, man! Can play, can dance, can sing, HAH! Best CCA in the whole damn school! HAH! :P

Oh, and Pam and I were the first people to yell "ENCORE!" and then after that, various little groups of people started yelling for encore all over the place too, haha... Feels nice to actually start something for once! :P

They performed TWO encore pieces; in my whole life, I've only ever seen one band do two encores, and that was at RJ's concert two years ago, and then they played Brahms' Lullaby when the audience still refused to leave; haha....

And my sis told me that her conductor wanted to do that too, haha....

Gave my sis flowers during the interval; oh, and John got Pam's sis and mine flowers too; he's so sweet! We were slightly late to Marche coz we were getting flowers; I messaged him and told him that we'd be late and he was like, oh, count me in for the flowers too, and he said that since he was going to their concert he might as well get them something, haha. So sweet of him... :D And Pam gave her brownies! :D

Oh, and guitar club played three songs immediately after the interval; it was really damn funny; the conductor was really flourishy and everything, but the sound was so damn soft, HAHA.... so damn anticlimax, man!

So they played two Spanish songs, then they played "Stand By Me", and some of the audience was trying to be enthusiastic and participative and everything by clapping along but the other half of the audience had to shush them up coz the clapping was getting louder than the guitar playing, HAHAHA..... bloody hell, it was so damn stupid, haha.

Yeah, I'm being mean; bite me. Never liked guitar club that much anyway. I mean, guitars are nice, but when you just get a whole lotta guitars together and just play like that, it's just... boring, y'know? There's something that a band has that a guitar club just can't match. I think it's the volume or something; guitar club is always damn soft.

Course, after that the band came back and performed Copacabana... haha, that was fun. Was absolutely well worth $10, man. I hope that everyone who refused or decided not to buy a ticket kicks themselves in the head or has someone else do it for them coz they missed out on some damn cool stuff, haha. :D

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