Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Went to the library to return "Songmaster" today; have put it in my list of books to buy when I have enough money. :)

And, guess what I found; was just roaming around the shelves when I happened to glance down and saw this book with a plain white cover and the spine said "The Fabulist"-- I thought it sounded really familiar, and when I saw the author's name further down the spine, I realised why.

Stephen Glass.

Cool, huh? There was a mention of the book at the end of the Shattered Glass movie, and I made a note to check if it was in the library, but forgot; as usual. But, hey, I've got it now! :D

And I managed to get Virginia Woolf's "To The Lighthouse"; FINALLY. That book must be the second hardest one to get, after Tolkien's Rings Trilogy; in my opinion, that is.

Going on a book-reading spree right now, and it's wonderful.

If I had all the money in the world, I'd buy myself a house, large enough and comfortable enough for maybe one person and at the most two guests, and half of that house would be a study lined with shelves up to the ceiling and I'd fill those shelves with books; T.S Eliot, John Donne, Robert Frost, various other poets, Neil Gaiman, Tolkien, Orson Scott Card... among other stuff; I'd probably buy some non-fiction reading material for fun, like stuff on psychology and all that-- and I'd put all my CDs in a corner of that study, and more than half of those CDs would probably be instrumental ones, like contemporary piano or saxophone, or classical and baroque stuff.

Life would be great if I had a big study full of books... :)

Almost forgot to mention that a section of Nicoll Highway collapsed today; interesting stuff, since nothing manmade in Singapore has collapsed since the 1985 Hotel New World collapse incident. Seems like lotsa interesting stuff's happening in my lifetime. Anyway, there's a 30 m deep cave, three injured people and the death toll is one right now. Apparently there're still three people missing.

They had to shut off the gas and Suntec City and the Esplanade areas had a 15 min blackout too; and there was an explosion and shock waves coz of the gas.

Hm... says here on the CNA site that the hole's the size of a basketball court.

Whoa. Picture. Looks worse than I thought.

Yeah, it looks like the road just fell in, all right....

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