Friday, April 02, 2004

Well, that's it. All my guy friends are now in NS; Wei Jian enlisted today, same day as Matthew Yeoh too.

Apparently, Matthew got pretty good results. Really good results, actually. And Xiaochuan had really good grades too! I'm so happy for him!! He's mentioned that he wants to do Chem Engineering; I hope he gets it!! :D

Don't have much to blog about today... just lamenting the loss of the freedom of another of my male friends, haha....

IJ concert is tomorrow; meeting Pam and John for dinner at Marche, and I think I already know what I wanna eat. I want ham and cheese crepes!! I'm gonna get my sister a light pink gerbera coz it's her first performance and everything, haha...

Think Pam and Sylvia wanted to go out to watch a movie this weekend, but I'm really damn broke... :(

Feel like watching Big Fish. Trailer was adorable. Shattered Glass... storyline is really interesting, but dunno whether it's still showing!! Still pondering whether or not to watch Hidalgo. And Secret Window. You see what I mean when I say I'm indecisive about what stuff I wanna watch even though I plan to watch it?!? The Prince and Me sounds cute... like Princess Diaries, and I loved Princess Diaries, so I wanna watch this one! :P

Well, all right, here, Gerri has run out of things to say/type. Going off to the Troy official site to amuse myself.

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