Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Found out last night (or rather, early this morning) that with enough sick inspiration, putting myself and Ivan Kwan in the same MSN chat window may be hazardous.

The result of that this morning was about THREE HOURS of nonsense and completely, utterly, ridiculous chat/RPG-like blathering, and Alvin and Denise had to endure our (mostly Ivan's) strange ideas.

The following is an example of the kind of things that were going on from 2 am to about 3.15 am this morning.

Gerri: *falls off chair writhing with laughter*
Ivan: *breaks chair over Gerri's head*
Gerri: HEY!!!

o_O (-_-)!!

And at some point earlier in the madness, the precursor to this ultimate spasticity, if you will, Ivan and me were engaged in smiley warfare. You know, the kind of thing where you see if the other person can throw out a smiley that's bigger or happier or smilier or cuter or more exaggerated than your own.

Anyway... was doing all that nonsense until 3.15 am; tried to concentrate on doing Lit essay, but obviously, it didn't work. Ended up staying up till 6.40 am doing it; got an hour's sleep before waking up at 8 am for Lit tutorial at 10.

And surprisingly, I didn't fall asleep during tutorial. Although I was pretty tired.

Got sleepy later on in the day. And headachy. Ok, I had a headache. "Headachy" looks strange. o_o Had to quickly find some stuff for SE presentation after Lit lect too, and send it to my groupmate so that he could print it. So rushed.

Took a lot of the ideas that Ivan suggested for Genes & Soc essay; thank god for seniors. I've kinda forgotten how to write a proper essay by now... Crap.

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