Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Today's post comes in two parts: Part One is where you get a rundown of yet another boring, mundane day in the life of Gerri, and Part Two is a rant. A medium-length, bordering-on-raving rant about... well, you shall see if you choose to read that bit later on.

Part One

Really, nothing much happened today. :P

Okay, I got my essays back.. barely passed. Well, it was horrible last minute work anyway, so..meh. Should just be glad that I passed.

Other than that, I spent most of today sleeping or studying.

Part Two

I have no idea as whether I should be amused or pissed off.

Some people in Arts really have too much time on their hands, I think. Even during the period of the exams, they still have the time to think up wild, stupid stories about people's relationships. I especially hate the general perception that a guy and girl cannot be good friends without them thinking that it's "flirting".

It happened once to me in JC; I was on the receiving end of the advances then, and that was quite freaky, but that's besides the point. It makes you very self-conscious and it strains friendships, because when you're aware that everyone else is watching, you just become afraid that they'll read too much into EVERYTHING.

That's what happened between that guy friend of mine and myself in JC; we drifted apart because of a rather similar situation. We got along really well, could chat and talk nonsense about almost ANYTHING under the sun, but then everyone started to think that we were "too friendly"; both of us started to feel the strain of being watched, and we started to drift apart then.

But anyway, I've always felt that people will talk, and there's nothing that you can do to shut them up; so hey, right now, I figure, if you enjoy someone's company, be they male or female, you *should* hang around with them, because why bother what the rest of the world thinks, in a silly, trivial situation like that?? You're the only one who's gonna live with yourself for the rest of your life. And why bother making yourself suffer just for the sake of appearances?

There are some people whom this is directed at, who most probably will know that this is directed at them. They are aware that this blog exists and will most probably read this. They may probably be rather incensed.

I am currently just happy to let them know that I for one, could care less about their opinions.

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