Thursday, November 25, 2004


SE1101E paper was better than I expected, man. I mean, for all that I was panicking the whole of yesterday and this morning and afternoon, it was actually quite all right!

If nothing else, this paper (and almost all my papers thus far) have brought one thing to my attention: as long as I listen during lectures and take notes and actually absorb what the lecturer says, it tends to stick.

For today's SE1101E, I remembered names and dates which I didn't even know that I remembered, but which'd been mentioned in the lectures.. what, last month? Two months ago?

It's actually quite interesting; it seems that everything's all in there somewhere-- it's just a matter of how deep down I have to dig to get to it so that I can bring it out onto the paper.

Another thing that the exams have made me realise: having two "homes" in school make things *very* convenient for you (me, that is).

First, there's the Arts Club Room, which, since it's in my own faculty, makes it an ideal and convenient to place to just stopover and slack at during my free time.

Then there's the Archery Lounge at SRC. Whose usefulness really shows itself during exams. Given that four of my five papers are held at the Multi-Purpose Sports Halls (MPSHs) and that the Archery Lounge is right next to MPSH 5 with MPSH 1 next to that, the Archery Lounge is a good place for some very-very-last-minute cramming just before the papers. Plus, one wall of the Archery Lounge isn't really a wall; it's the slatted sliding door of MPSH 5, which means that during the exam period, the air-conditioning from MPSH 5 gets into the room, making it a lot cooler and more conducive for calming down before paper starts. When you shut the door, you can even block out almost all the noise of the hundreds of people sitting around doing their cramming outside, which makes it *even* better.

I was there just before my SE1101E paper today, and there were more people than usual; previously, I'd only seen Rayner in the room before my last few papers. Today, Ben, his two friends, Zhan Tao and Rayner were there.

Ben's preoccupation with getting me to wear a skirt seems to have not lost any of its momentum. He was commenting that my new haircut looks good (even though both he and Zhan Tao had already seen it prior to yesterday), and that the next step would be to wear a skirt. I saw that coming a mile off.

So, I told him that if he's lucky, I'll consider wearing one for Sports Ball next year. (If I even go for Sports Ball, anyway. These kinds of things don't appeal to me in the slightest.) There was silence for a few seconds after I said that, and he exchanged this smile with Zhan Tao and said, "Okay, we'll hope for that!"

*Rolls eyes* Ben. Well, that's the way he is. It's also part of what makes him so fun to hang around with, really. :D

Well, Hell Week is finally over. My graded papers are finally all over.

Hopefully my 4.0 is still a possibility.

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